Mentions légales
Le site est édité par SARL FROGIC
- Siège social : 254 rue Vendôme, 69003, Lyon, France
- Nom commercial : Pardon My Learning
- Contact : +33 7 44 47 64 90, contact @
Frogic est une SARL au capital social de 6 000 €.
- SIRET : 913 145 785 00014
- RCS : 913 145 785 R.C.S. LYON
Codirectrices de publication : Mikayla SIBNER & Sarah GALLEZE
Hébergement :
Chemin des Pardiaux, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand
SIRET 510 909 807 000 24 – RCS Clermont-Ferrand
E-mail :
Toutes les images, illustrations et photographies utilisées sur ce site appartiennent à Pardon My French Learning – SARL FROGIC, aucune reproduction n’est possible sans accord express des propriétaires. Les photographies de Sarah et Mikayla ont été prises par B. Reilly.
FROGIC est une marque enregistrée auprès de l’INPI dont la société SARL FROGIC représentée par Sarah GALLEZE et Mikayla SIBNER, est propriétaire.
EN version : is made by SARL FROGIC
- Head office: 254 rue Vendôme, 69003, Lyon, France
- Trading name: Pardon My Learning
- Contact: +33 7 44 47 64 90, contact @
Frogic is a an LLC, capital stock: 6 000 €.
- SIRET : 913 145 785 00014
- RCS : 913 145 785 R.C.S. LYON
Publicating managers: Mikayla SIBNER & Sarah GALLEZE
Chemin des Pardiaux, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand
SIRET 510 909 807 000 24 – RCS Clermont-Ferrand
E-mail :
All trademarks, photographs, texts, comments, illustrations, animated or still images, video sequences, sounds, as well as all computer applications that could be used to operate this site and more generally all elements reproduced or used on the site are protected by the laws in force under intellectual property. All photographs of Sarah and Mikayla have been taken by B. Reilly.
They are the full and entire property of the publisher or its partners. Any reproduction, representation, use or adaptation, in any form whatsoever, of all or part of these elements, including computer applications, without the prior written consent of the publisher, is strictly prohibited. The fact that the publisher does not initiate proceedings upon becoming aware of these unauthorized uses does not constitute acceptance of said uses and waiver of prosecution.
FROGIC is a registered trademark, protected by INPI and owned by SARL FROGIC, represented by Sarah GALLEZE and Mikayla SIBNER.